Friday, April 29, 2005

I think I am going to throw up (still)...

I take pride in very few things:
1. my love for KSU Football (even in their bad seasons)
2. My knowledge of the most random things...
3. My administration skills

Today though, my admin skills totally failed me. I booked a trip to Denver on Travelocity so that I could go look at apartments. Once I pulled up my calendar though, I realized that I have two major commitments the days I am gone. Wednesday night, we (the interns) are being celebrated at New Community and Thursday we have an intern function at Sheryl's. I had even sent an email to my mentor and my supervisor saying I would be gone. As soon as I saw my calendar, I went into panic mode.

I called Viv, frantic for information regarding what the hell I should do. I called Travelocity and explained that I didn't realize the dates when I was booking the tickets and I couldn't make the trip. The stomach acid started to rise in my throat and the gag reflex began. I was sobbing on the phone to Travelocity as I explained my "Jessica Simpson" moment.

Thankfully, Travelocity was kind enough to refund my entire nonrefundable ticket except for $5. I'm no longer out $189, but I still feel like I am going to throw up. I'm looking over my calendar and the only time (without missing ministry or small group) that I will be able to go is at the end May/beginning of June and I'm moving June 15...maybe that's why I'm going to throw's just cutting it so close.


Anonymous said...

glad you got the dough back.....can you look online for places, talk to friends or something? cutting it close is kinda scary but enjoy the ride:)

BigcatJared said...

Well, you could always stay in haunted house with me unless I get kicked out soon. Which won't happen. So don't fret then you will get till July 1 and I can get company. Your writing makes me laugh.....

BigcatJared said...

Yeah go on and look at rental listings.