Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What I've been trying to say...

Isn’t found through words, thoughts, or actions
It is found in my intuition.

Perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps the pain I feel isn’t unique to just me.

What if the whole world was ignoring me? What if I was completely alone?

Would You still be enough?

This is the question that roles through my head
Like a constant drip in your faucet or the humming of the lights

That question doesn’t stop.

So, what if the whole world was ignoring me? What if I was completely alone? What if everyone person I reached out to didn’t follow through?

Would You still be enough?

The quietness of my soul
Rings out for something to answer it

A wave crashes over my boat
The boat with no oars, no spot, no direction
And I begin to flail

I steal from other’s believe
That You are good
That You will provide
That You will protect
And that all this pain isn't in vain

And still I wonder
If this is my life…

Would You still be enough?

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