Sunday, January 16, 2005

It's been one week...

Before we start--58 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes till my 25th birthday wish list will be up soon.
To let you in on the week ahead:
Today, Sunday January 16th -- I must work on my Statement of Faith. It is due in two weeks (insert the appropriate stressed filled words here). I have an assignment due tomorrow for prophets that also need to work on and the Golden Globes are tonight...time management is necessary.

Monday, January 17th -- Oasis kicks off. I feel like I have twenty million balls in the air and something will be dropped. And I Love the 90's Part Deux starts...thank God for the VCR (and model trains).

Tuesday, January 18th -- Meetings in the afternoon, Summit that night. Once again, I feel like I haven't done enough to prepare.

Wednesday, January 19th -- Meetings again, need to work again on Statement of Faith, perhaps a good $5 movie that night...Finding Neverland is showing at the Catlow. Yahoo.

Thursday, January off...sleep, work on school.

Friday, January 21st--Intern Small Group in the morning, Champions at night...a nice 10 hour day.

Saturday, January 22nd--preparing for Bethel. Laundry, cleaning room, volunteer fair at Willow that night. Somehow have my Statement of Faith done so that I all I have to do is turn it in.

Sunday, January 23rd--see above and include Summit being recognized in Axis

Monday, January 24th--Leave for intensives...Look out Old Chicago, here I come!

All this to say:
a) I recognize that this is more information than you needed
2) If I don't post much this week, please see above reasons.

1 comment:

Kristenanne said...

ha ha ha you put most instead of post!! Silly girl.