Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the things we will do for beauty

Our company holiday party is coming up soon. In order to look my best, I have bought a new dress...one that can be worn for this event as well as New Years Eve (I think for the first time in 3 years I'll actually be able to dress up and now that I know my fashion sense more than I did then, I'm willing to do some things over the top).

I want to look stunning for my party. Shallow, probably, but it's to prove to someone that it was their loss that they didn't grow a pair and make a move. So the dress is on its way here. Hopefully it will be here on Monday.

Here's the deal, it's a simple black dress...a cute little ruffle at the bottom, but now I need the shoes that state that I am a hottie that shouldn't be overlooked...

Do you think that these express that?


BigcatJared said...

They are like Ruby RED slippers..
I think they work hun.....

Anonymous said...

They're hot. H-O-T hot.