Sunday, October 10, 2004

So, here's an update...

For those of you who know me, you know how much College Football means to me. If you don't believe me, look at my previous post entitled "One Thing I Love". It was posted on September 4th. Anyways, my Kansas State Wildcats are doing horrible. We lost to the University of Kansas and we've beat them 11 years in a row. And they are terrible at football...typically. We play Oklahoma next (there's no way we'll win) and then Nebraska (hopeful, but expectation management will be done prior to this game). I'm even questioning whether or not we'll get a bowl bid this year.

Life is crazy busy. I worked 14 hours on Friday. Have you ever been in your office building for 14 hours straight? Let me tell you, it's not fun, I don't recommend it. School started last Monday and I'm currently enrolled in two classes: Ethics (and come on now...everyone I tell that I am in an ethics class they roll their eyes, which I agree with completely. Me of all people studying ethics, it's quite funny) and Leadership Communication (the same class I've taken 5 times in a row). Bethel's leadership classes are very lack luster. Perhaps it's in the culture I am in, but these classes could use a revamping so that everyone benefits from them, not just the students outside of Willow.

I went to a bachelorette party this weekend. I'm exhausted. I've never sat in a room with women and had a more open discussion regarding sex. I feel fortunate that these women were open enough to share with me in the room and that people were willing to share.

Otherwise, I'm hanging in there. Life and leadership has been difficult recently. I've stepped down from leading a small group of women in their 20's and during that process, I've had some learning lessons. I've never realized how lonely leadership can truly be, and I feel like I now have to watch what I am saying every second of every day. I'm worried about how others will take it and that's hard.

Another interesting thing is that an English professor of mine from Kansas State was arrested for murder. It's a little strange and very creepy.

I'm reading "The DaVinci Code" right now and I can't put it down...
I know it's fiction, and it is a page turner...
I'm tempted to buy the new Gavin DeGraw cd and I really want to buy "Saved" yet with cash being low these day, maybe Santa will bring them for Christmas. I guess I should start being a good girl then.

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