Sunday, August 21, 2005

"Thanks for your ass"

Preface: The title of this blog is in reference to something Christie said over the weekend...I will not discuss it any further.

I realize I have been missing in action. It was unintentional, but good. I've switched jobs (yes, I'm still temping, and no, I haven't had any luck finding something permanent) and my fear at all my jobs is that they are watching my every move on the computer. There is enough of me not to care, but still some that is afraid that they will fire me. I spent some time at the most boring conference ever, left the oil & gas world and have moved into the world of banking. Where last week, I wore a dress with my jean jacket over it and my flip flops, thinking it was appropriate. I was wrong and was forced (by shame and shame alone) to go out to Target and buy shoes I already owned and take of my jean jacket. I didn't know that the business world was so strick.

My friend Christie came in town this weekend, which was amazing. Life currently is hard, making transitions, settling in, trying to figure out who is safe and it was just nice to have someone who understands me, knows me and loves me. We danced hard at Lip Gloss, laughed hard after Bender's, and have some great memories from her time here. I can't wait to see her again in October and then for our annual dinner in December. It's just nice to have someone who is so similar to's scary at times.

Prior to this week, I was camping in Riffle State Park (3 hours west of Denver). It was my very first time ever camping, so I was a little hesitant. But once I got the hang of peeing in the woods, we had a great time. We hiked around the falls, ate amazing food, and almost went to the Riffle Fair. All I have to say is the idiot who claimed someone was thrashing near the road needs to get a life...You cannot have our spot.

Life is crazy and hard right now. I was shocked this week and tweaked all within a couple of days. I'm eating out of comfort and sleeping because that's what you do when you are depressed. I'm busy, lonely, and in need of training for my 5-k in October. Otherwise, I'm holding onto the only thing I can right now and that's the Trinity...but barely.

The Sunrise in Riffle
click to see photos from the camping trip.

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