Thursday, December 14, 2006

these are a few of my favorite things...

Today is quite possibly one of the best days ever...

Here's why:

I love that it's the middle of December and it's 60 degrees in Denver.

I love that the Golden Globes were announced today and I saw it live (and think some people were robbed and some people got much needed nominations)

I love that I'm going to a concert tonight with my friend Sara and that it's within walking distance of my house and that it's one of my favorite bands.

I love that tomorrow afternoon I'm going on vacation with 8 fabulous people to the mountains to relax in the hot tub, ski down a mountain, and simply be with's how a vacation should be.

I love that I'm going to KC in a week and can't wait to simply sleep in, have my mom do my laundry and see beautiful friends.

I love that my soul took a major change the other week and it changes the way I see people.

I love that I am a little less angry over the last year than I was a week ago.

I love that I no longer feel shame when a friend chooses out of relationship with me. I know I did nothing wrong (or I've owned what I did wrong)...if they choose to be childish and remove me without telling me, that's their issue not mine.

I love that I'm taking initiative in my life...knowing what I want and am willing to go after it.

Most of all, I'm grateful friendships, old and new, love, beauty and truth...because it's Christmas - And at Christmas you tell the truth

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